Read A message for parents, from Moses

A message for parents, from Moses

The ancient book of Deuteronomy reminds us why God's Word must be central to our lives and families.

Read Man of God

Man of God

Fathers, how do you want to be remembered?

Read Parenting difficult grown-up children

Parenting difficult grown-up children

Exasperated by your adult children? The Bible says to respond in love.

Read Should you give teens privacy online?

Should you give teens privacy online?

Why electronic devices can be used for good or bad - and how to manage that reality with young teens.

Read Jurassic World: Viewing Guide

Jurassic World: Viewing Guide

There's plenty of movies around this school holidays, including the record breaking Jurassic World.

Read Inside Out: Movie Review

Inside Out: Movie Review

Pixar's latest film will have adults and children talking about their emotions.

Read Tomorrowland: Movie Review

Tomorrowland: Movie Review

Disney envisions a less-than-glossy future that will cause teens and parents to think twice.

Read “I like it because it gives me quiet time with God every day”

“I like it because it gives me quiet time with God every day”

Young Christians share how the REAP journal helps them grow in faith.