Read Keeping romance alive with teens in the house

Keeping romance alive with teens in the house

Practical tips for Christian marriages.

Read 5 tips for involving your kids in church services

5 tips for involving your kids in church services

Keeping kids with you in the service doesn't have to be traumatic!

Read Death and heaven

Death and heaven

What do you say to your kids about non-Christians who have died?

Read The wisdom of Jesus for parents

The wisdom of Jesus for parents

What advice does our Lord have for those raising children?

Read How can busy parents have quality quiet times?

How can busy parents have quality quiet times?

Practical help for parents struggling to retreat and reflect.

Read Admitting your sinfulness to your kids

Admitting your sinfulness to your kids

Why it's important to tell your kids you aren't perfect.

Read The comparison trap

The comparison trap

Why you shouldn't worry about what other parents at school think of you.

Read Christian school or public school?

Christian school or public school?

How one family made the decision for their children.