Read A daily prayer for dads

A daily prayer for dads

Drawing strength from Jesus to love as he loves.

Read When we are weak: lessons for parents from the book of Job

When we are weak: lessons for parents from the book of Job

Encouragement from Andrew Prideaux, author of ‘Job: Enduring Hope’.

Read Tell your kids the good news about sex

Tell your kids the good news about sex

Introducing Timeless Parenting Episode 4.

Read Leaving a living legacy

Leaving a living legacy

Ian Barnett explores the lasting impact of parents and grandparents.

Read Will my pet be in heaven?

Will my pet be in heaven?

Guidance for answering our children’s tough questions.

Read What’s the value of having pets?

What’s the value of having pets?

Annemarie Rivers reflects on the benefits for families.

Read How can we help our kids stick with Jesus?

How can we help our kids stick with Jesus?

Introducing Timeless Parenting Episode 3.

Read The adventure and privilege of teaching high school SRE

The adventure and privilege of teaching high school SRE

Katie Stringer encourages mums and dads to have a go.