‘New and Good’ – Talking with Your Kids
Have you ever had this conversation with your kids...
Have you ever had this conversation with your kids:
You: What happened at school today?
Them: Nothing.
You: There must have been something exciting that happened!
Them: No, it was boring.
You: Was there anything interesting at all?
Them: Can’t remember.
… So much for engaging dinner table discussion! To be honest, a lot of our days can be quite ordinary without anything that’s really earth-shatteringly exciting going on. But that doesn’t mean that God isn’t at work.
As a way to encourage our children to think about how God is always involved in their lives, we try to make a habit of asking them at the dinner table (or at some stage in the evening), ‘What happened today that was new and good?’ We think it's a great way to remind the kids that, even amidst an otherwise quite ordinary day, God is doing stuff. We then incorporate this into our bedtime prayers: ‘Thanks God for the new and good things’.
We find it a great reminder for us, too!
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