Read 20 ways to be refreshing in the local church

20 ways to be refreshing in the local church

Find out how you can be an "oasis in the desert" for your Christian brothers and sisters.

Read “In Jesus, I found the man I’d been looking for…”

“In Jesus, I found the man I’d been looking for…”

A poor relationship with her father led Shannon Culpepper on a difficult journey towards Christ.

Read Parenting on our knees

Parenting on our knees

Josina Guess reflects after learning about Tony Campolo's son turning away from Jesus.

Read Begin Again: Movie Review

Begin Again: Movie Review

A refreshing film about modern relationships.

Read Social Issues: Are they just too hard?

Social Issues: Are they just too hard?

Thinking seriously about euthanasia, pornography, gambling or the environment ... is it really worth the effort?

Read Why it’s worth doing things the hard way

Why it’s worth doing things the hard way

Jess Harvey on the joys of inefficient parenting.

Read Lost: Tim’s story

Lost: Tim’s story

The man who lost 15-20 years of his memory, but thanks God for it.

Read Helping your child through their final year of school

Helping your child through their final year of school

A guide to looking after the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of your teen.