Have you ever felt you needed to give advice to another parent but just haven’t known how to do it well? Harriet Connor gives insightful and practical tips that will make for thoughtful, helpful and encouraging conversations.
For the Love of Discipline explores a gospel-shaped response to tantrums and time-outs.
'At a time when many parents feel isolated and alone, a supportive church community can provide the kind of practical support and encouragement that modern families desperately need...'
It is no secret that many parents today are struggling to cope. One of the reasons that parenting in our era is hard is that for the first time in history, we are trying to go it alone.
Harriet Connor explores what God's word has to say about happiness and how this influences our aims in parenting
Harriet Connor reviews Andrew G. Marshall's book 'I Love You But You Always Put Me Last: How to Childproof Your Marriage'
'The account of Jacob and his family ... is about how God can work through the mess and grime of family life to achieve his glorious purposes...'
Harriet Connor shares Biblical wisdom on disciplining children.