Technology: it’s a discipleship issue
Introducing Timeless Parenting Episode 8.
Every modern parent knows how hard it is to get the balance right with technology. That's why, in our latest Timeless Parenting episode, we sat to talk with Daniel Sih, author of Raising Tech-Healthy Humans and contributor to Parenting in God's Family.
Our conversation moved beyond simple tips and hacks to the deeper questions of Christian discipleship and Christian values and how these might shape our family's approach to tech. When it comes to technology, we need to stop and ask ourselves: How is this helping my child to love God and follow Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength?
We also talked with Daniel Sih about the effects of tech overuse on children and their learning, the importance of creating 'tech-healthy' rhythms and 'going slow' with introducing new tech to kids. You'll hear Daniel's insights into which kind of 'screen time' is best for kids, what age is best for giving children access to a smartphone or social media, and how we can best set our children up to thrive in a tech-saturated future.
Our conversation finished up with an encouraging reminder that no matter what, parents and children alike can keep coming back to God's unending grace.
As the summer holidays approach, with the seemingly constant appeal of more screen time, I encourage you to make time to listen to Daniel's very wise (and gracious) advice for making sure we're using technology in a way that helps, not hinders, our family's Christian discipleship.
If you would like to think more about this topic, have a look at Daniel Sih's chapter of Parenting in God’s Family: ‘The art of tech-healthy parenting’.
You can also find our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other platforms.
Mothers Union Sydney runs an annual seminar about Christian life and parenting. Listen to talks from previous seminars on Soundcloud.
If you want to get in touch with us to offer some feedback or suggest a topic, you can write to us at: timelessparenting@youthworks.net
Timeless Parenting is brought to you by Growing Faith, a ministry of Youthworks Media, and Mothers Union Sydney.
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