Back to school
Ideas to help you start the school year well
As school holidays come to an end and our families settle into new routines of uniforms, lunch boxes and school drop offs, how can we create a positive start to the school year and make this time one of peace and joy?
Having just dropped our toddler to his first day of preschool for the year (surprisingly no tears from any of us), the idea of making this a special time together rather than a moment of rushing from A to B came to mind. I would love for our kids to remember the conversations, laughs and time we share to and from school, and for this to bring fond memories in the years to come.
Here are some ideas you may like to try with your family for settling well into another school year.
Establish a morning routine
For many of us our morning routine feels rushed and unsettled. Kids running everywhere and everyone way too tired to comprehend what needs doing. Mornings can be a frantic time in any household, looking for shoes, scoffing down breakfast and running out the door to make the bus or so you don’t end up late again. They can be anything but peaceful.
Setting up a good routine begins with preparation, and it is often said that preparation starts the night before. Pre-packing lunches, laying out clothes, setting an alarm (or a few) can be helpful things we can do to set ourselves and our kids up for the day ahead.
Creating a good routine lays down expectations and can bring peace to chaos.
When I consider mornings I am reminded of God’s faithfulness and the blessing of each new day from Lamentations 3:23-23, which says ‘Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.’
I would love for my kids to see these blessings and find joy as they enter each day. My hope is that by being prepared I can create an environment that gives them a positive start and sets them off well for the day ahead.
Give it all to God
Often in the busyness of getting ready for school, we forget to stop and hand it all to God; our kids, their teacher and friends, the things they will learn and all aspects of school life. Prayer is an act of dependence to God. He desires our petitions and our praise and is so worthy of it. So from the very small to the huge things in life let’s give it all to him.
Something our family has been doing over the last few months is reading a verse and praying about the day ahead during breakfast. Even though it’s only a short, simple passage it sets us up for the day with hearts of thankfulness and praise.
Praying with our kids (and for them) is a powerful way we can love and care for them as they go about their day.
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2
Being intentional about creating a positive start to the school year can have a positive impact on our families and give us a sense of peace during the often frantic time settling into new routines and preparing for a new year of learning and growth.
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