Read Why I read parenting books

Why I read parenting books

Wendy Lin shares three reasons why she reads parenting books

Read What I wish I knew when my children were still little

What I wish I knew when my children were still little

'Hindsight offers a new perspective on both the joys and challenges we encounter in our lives...'

Read Teaching your children through a season of grief

Teaching your children through a season of grief

'Grief is hard and painful and messy. But we can show our kids that we still love, trust, and obey Jesus even through our grief...'

Marriage and Parenting outside Eden—The Story of Jacob

'The account of Jacob and his family ... is about how God can work through the mess and grime of family life to achieve his glorious purposes...'

Why families stop going to church

'How do we promote church communities that encourage, support and strengthen individuals to continue in their faith?'

Read Book Launch

Book Launch

Join Patricia Weerakoon as we celebrate the launch of Birds and Bees by the Book!

Read Failing Successfully

Failing Successfully

How to Help Our Kids Lose Well in a Fail-Safe World

How many children should I have?

Three things to prayerfully consider when it comes to family planning