Read 26 Children’s books about the Christmas story

26 Children’s books about the Christmas story

Book review by Trevor Cairney

Read Picture Books for a Jesus-Centered Christmas

Picture Books for a Jesus-Centered Christmas

2016's best picture books to help point your kids to Jesus this Christmas.

Read The pros and cons of reading the Bible on your smartphone

The pros and cons of reading the Bible on your smartphone

With so many upsides to accessing God's Word on your phone, why would anyone use paper instead?

Read Review: 20 Tips for Parents by Professor Kim Oates

Review: 20 Tips for Parents by Professor Kim Oates

Read this book and learn how to be a firm but loving parent.

Read A message for parents, from Moses

A message for parents, from Moses

The ancient book of Deuteronomy reminds us why God's Word must be central to our lives and families.

Read My top five Christian parenting books

My top five Christian parenting books

And how they can help with issues including sex, online safety, grace, schooling and leading kids to Christ.

Read Resources for prayer

Resources for prayer

Ideas to encourage your prayer life and grow confidence in praying with children.

Read Help keep Jesus at the centre of Christmas

Help keep Jesus at the centre of Christmas

Six resources to encourage your kids to remember the reason for the season.