Read Responding to divorce and separation

Responding to divorce and separation

Part 1: What does God's Word say about marriage?

Read Books and resources to help kids celebrate Easter

Books and resources to help kids celebrate Easter

Parents know there's more to Easter than chocolate, but how can we help children understand what this season is really about?

Read How do we glorify God?

How do we glorify God?

Josh Harris talks about glorifying God by enjoying him, loving him, trusting him, and by obeying him.

Read Cyber Parenting on snapchat

Cyber Parenting on snapchat

It's the app where every message is meant to self-destruct. But is snapchat a suitable program for your children?

Read Six practical ways churches can support dads

Six practical ways churches can support dads

Churches have a key role to play in encouraging fathers to do their job well.

Read Why I don’t like my kids watching TV adverts

Why I don’t like my kids watching TV adverts

The five ways our family minimises exposure to commercial television.

Read How one church helped restore a family

How one church helped restore a family

"My family is doing great ... we have no one to credit for that but God."

Read The benefits (and struggles) of family devotions

The benefits (and struggles) of family devotions

After 25 years of parenting five children, Suellen Milham shares the ups and downs of reading the Bible as a family - and why it's worth the effort.